Fredericksburg Billies High School Senior | Fredericksburg Senior Photographer


It’s been one crazy year so far, and I know our seniors have had to endure a lot this last semester. Though, I admire their strength and determination to complete their semester with ease. For this high school senior, this last semester was supposed to be filled with tons of events. From prom, dance competitions, and halftime shows for the local basketball team. With being captain of the Red-Hotts dance team, a lot was missed out with her fellow teammates. But even though things have been up in the air with current events, Mariah has been working hard to achieve her dreams which is why she will be attending Texas State later this fall! Along with this, she will also be working for Danceline as a dance instructor for all of the summer students!

We’re so proud of all that she’s accomplished this year, and we know things will get even better as graduation is quickly approaching! She will soon walk the stage and enter adulthood as a college student! We know she will be super successful, and we can’t wait to see how things are going later this year.

Congratulations again to Miss Mariah on all of her success! Smile big, and stay strong!

Special thanks to Danceline for allowing us to use their on-location studio! This was so much fun!